Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Nicaragua Mission Giving Tree


Thanks to Bonnie, Any and Cindy, the giving tree is up in the Fellowship Hall and will be there through the end of September!  Please stop by and take a tag or two for items to assist with our mission trip to Nicaragua.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Meet the 2023 Enrich Missions BLC Mission Team


Todd Vogel

My how time flies…it is 2023 and we have not been able to get back to Nicaragua since the 2019 BLC Mission Trip.

My name is Todd Vogel and have been going on mission trips since my first in 2012. That year was a first time to another country not adjacent to the United States and it provided a life changing experience that still has bearing on what I do in my life. Besides these trips I’ve been attending BLC for approximately 20 years and served the church through various ministries and committees. Music has been a ministry that has kept me involved along with the Missions Ministry team, Building Committee on the last addition and other volunteer opportunities. Outside of my church life I work at a local Architecture firm as a Designer and Project Manager of K-12 schoolwork and spend time with family here in NY and OH.

If you have not been able to join one of these trips and feel the tug at your heartstrings, there is always next year. It’s a great trip to get you out of your comfort zone and bring your joy for Jesus to others. You are not only helping others, but they will change your life in return.

Chris Anderson

I am Chris Anderson. I am originally from the Chicago area and moved to Albany due to work in the insurance industry and have been part of Bethlehem for about two years. I am also an EMT and Field Training Officer for Delmar-Bethlehem EMS. In my spare time I enjoy going to Adirondack Thunder hockey games, Valley Cat games, photography, and visiting local history sites. This is my first time going to Nicaragua and I am looking forward to learn about another culture and to share Christ’s love with the families served by Enrich Missions.

Collin Davis

Hello!  My name is Collin Davis.  I have been at BLC for almost 16 years.  I have been blessed to have been able to serve in several ways during that time.  I was a youth leader and taught high school bible study for over ten years.  I have been a chaperone for three National Youth Gathering events which led me to San Antonio, Texas, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Those were all absolutely amazing experiences that allowed me to witness some of our youth growing in their faith while I grew in mine.  Currently, I am on the Live Stream team for Contemporary worship and I keep the marquis sign in front of BLC updated.  I have two amazing children, Gwen and Sully, who have been at BLC since they were born.

I am very excited to have this opportunity to go on this mission trip, which will be my first.  I am eager to share Christ's love with the people of Nicaragua and learn about their culture.  I am blessed that my daughter Gwen is going on this mission trip as well, and I am looking forward to this shared experience and building our faith together.

Gwendolyn Davis

Buen día! My name is Gwendolyn Davis. I am a high school student, and I hope to one day serve God and my country in the United States Army, after I attend West Point. I am a part of the Youth Band at the church, and I enjoy athletic activities. My favorite is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but it is closely followed by archery. I enjoy science and Spanish inside and outside school, and I am proud to be a part of this amazing ministry. I was confirmed this year, and I have grown a lot in my faith. I love working with kids, and I hope to meet many of the Nicaraguan children, and learn more about their lives and faith. I have a little brother who’s faith in God and His plan never ceases to amaze me, and I hope that I can come as close to God as he is. I have been a part of Bethlehem Lutheran Church since I was born, or very close to. BLC has been a huge part of my life, and always been there for me as a family. I am proud to serve more of our family in Nicaragua, and grow in my faith!

Jon Dubblede

Hi, my name is Jon Dubbelde and this is my second mission trip.  I am married to my wife Deidre and have two kids, Samantha and Cole.  I am originally from Indiana and have lived in multiple places in the Midwest.  My job led me to upstate NY in 1996 where I now work in Selkirk and live in Castleton.  I enjoy the fishing, hockey, and skiing the Northeast has to offer.  We have been attending BLC for over 20 years and very grateful to be a part of the Bethlehem family and a church with great programs.  I am excited to return to Nicaragua and be part of a team to serve others and show Jesus’ love.  It will be nice to see how God’s plan is for this mission field is progressing and be able to support further improvements while we are there.   I am also looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone and strengthen my relationship with God.

Karen Hoogkamp

Hi!  My name is Karen Hoogkamp. I have five children, 10 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. In my retirement I am enjoying watercolor painting and woodburning. When the weather is nice, I love to kayak, camp and read. I am also on the BLC Mission Committee.

My faith and professional life have led me in the direction of serving children in some capacity. Professionally I was the Director of Tutor Time, Assistant Director of School’s Out and the Assistant Director of Bethlehem Parks and Recreation. I love assisting children in finding their Niche in life and promote self-love through healthy and wholesome spiritual activities. 

This will be my second trip to Nicaragua and working with the Tingles has been an indescribable experience.  Two of my boys went to Nicaragua several years ago to help begin building the first enrichment center. They came back spiritually changed so that led me to my first trip!  Meghan and Wayne are starting a third center which is so exciting to be a part of. I am hoping to continue to spread God’s unconditional love with the children of Nicaragua and serve in whatever capacity the Lord has in store for me this trip, using the gifts that God has given me. 

I feel privileged to be working with the Tingles as they continue to spread God’s Word through Actions!

Bonnie Kellam

Hi, my name is Bonnie Kellam. This is my first mission trip with BLC. I recently became widowed in 2022 but was happily married to my husband for over 45 years. I have two adult children, three grandchildren, who range in age from 5 to 22, and one Mazie – my golden retriever!

I have been an active member at BLC for 10 years and currently serve as part of the Community Care Team. I spend much of my time doing all kinds of crafting. When I am not busy with extracurricular activities, I have for the last 37 years, worked as a Customer Service Rep within the insurance industry right alongside my sister!

This year I’m jumping feet first into my faith to learn, love and be supportive of the Nicaraguan people with God’s love and guidance.

May Ann Licht

My name is Mary Ann Licht. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a wife, a mother, and an educator.  I have been married for 32 years to my husband, Rich, and am mother to Elizabeth, Ben, and Nate.  Some of my favorite things to do are volunteering, hiking, playing tennis and pickle ball, reading, baking, and traveling. I have been a member of Bethlehem Lutheran church for 17 years. I have spent time working in both the church office and preschool. I also enjoyed serving on the community care team, the endowment committee, and the middle/ high school youth team. I recently retired from a career as an early childhood teacher and my husband and I are also now “empty nesters”, so I have the opportunity to go on my first mission trip and hopefully not my last! I am grateful and excited for the opportunity to support the Tingles and the ministry at Enrich Missions while sharing God’s grace and love with the people in Matagalpa.

Catherine Marchese

Hi. My name is Cathy. I'm a semi-retired registered nurse. My husband, John and I moved to the Albany area in September of 2018, and have been married for 42 years. We have been blessed with 5 children and 6 grandchildren. I enjoy crafts, gardening, reading, and playing board and card games. I currently volunteer at a senior nursing facility and a woman's substance abuse rehab house. This will be my second mission trip and I can't wait to see where God leads me next.

Amy Vogel

Hola… My name is Amy Vogel and I have been a part of BLC for the past nine years and loving every minute of it. I am involved in working with the mission ministry team and I attend woman’s bible study on Monday evening to help learn more about the stories of the Bible. My husband and I have been married for seven years and with each year it gets better. I have three wonderful adult children. My two boys both have families which has given me three very busy grandchildren. My daughter is feeling her way through life after graduating college over a year ago. I have worked as a full time RN for 19 wonderful years and I’m still going.

I have been lucky enough to be able to go on the past three mission trips so this will be my fourth trip to Nicaragua to serve the people of that country and the Lord. I love helping people so this trip is very rewarding for me. My other love is books, I love to read and you will rarely see me without a book in my hands if I have any down time.

I look forward to this next opportunity to spread God's love and be apart of a wonderful team of people that will help me spread my wings and grow in my Christian life.