Saturday, October 15, 2016

We've Arrived in Matagalpa, Nicaragua!

Hola Amigos! It's been a long day of travel but luckily both of our flights were on time and our travels went smoothly. Our bright green t-shirts have confused some people, including one flight attendant who thought we were a group celebrating St. Patrick's Day a little too early, but aside from that they have been a great help keeping us together :) ...Now that we are here in Matagalpa, we are going to get a good night of rest and prepare for a wonderful day tomorrow with the Tingles and the Nicaraguans. We are all excited and grateful to be here and look forward to a productive and joyous week with everyone! Once again, we are so thankful for all of those who made their generous donations and helped make this trip possible. Let the fun begin! 


  1. Great to hear you're safely there! I love the team picture, and that Jesus is part of the team... only you didn't get him a green shirt. We'll be praying.

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  4. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!
