Day 5 - Thursday
"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. "
Galations 5: 22
Today was our last day at the school. As I was finishing up the software installation, I had the opportunity to visit several members of the team as they completed their work for school.
Carl, Doug and Gerald discovered that the pickup truck tailgates had to be retrofitted as the tailgates were from 1995 and the trucks were made in 2004. Lots of pounding of metal to get the old tailgates off the trucks!
Alan. Rick, and Sal finished up a beautiful set of bookcases and desks. Mary and Nicole took some time to learn how to use the tools and assist in the project.
Members of the BLC team had the privilege to meet with their newly sponsored students. It was a very emotional experience to meet with these precious children that were willing to work hard for their big dreams.
The real high points of the day were two absolutely wonderful school assemblies. The first presentation included traditional Nicaraguan folk dances, singing, and a wonderful gymnastics display where the students proudly showed their ability to do cartwheels, leaps, pyramids, and wonderful dances. They performed a dance skit to the Pharrell Williams Happy song that showed how easily the students were able to move between traditional and contemporary dance.
The second school assembly was a wonderful concert performed by the students for their families and the entire school. Ruth had her music students perform a spectacular concert with drumsticks and the new glockenspiels. The whole room was enthralled as the students listened for their cues, and hit every beat with perfection. It was truly a small miracle to see how far the kids had come with the new music program.
Traditional Nicaraguan folk dance |
Gymnastics display |
Backflips with glee |
The spectacular music concert |
Glockenspiel concert |
Ruth on the keyboard |
Legs for the tables |
Gate in front of the school |
Faculty morning prayer |
Terri with students |
Soccer ! |
Team work! |
Eager students in English class |
Sally Jo |
Lunch time |
BLC Team and their sponsored students |
Carl and Roger delivering a loved filled card from Debbie Dowen |
Nicaraguan traditional dance |
Sal in his glory surrounded by smiles |
Dance team |
Ruth and Dr. Rice with students |
The infirmary stocked with supplies |
Megan in the infirmary |
Stocked with medical supplies |
The modified workbench created by Alan and Rick |