Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 2 - Monday

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. "
John 13:34

So much activity today! The team started our wonderful day by greeting the children as they came into the school - smiles, pressed clothes, eyes bright with excitement. We held out our hands and the younger children gave us loving hugs, and the older boys slapped our hands gleefully with high-fives.

Each member of the team had our assignments from the Tingles. Painting the community church, building bookcases and desks, introducing a brand new music and science program, installing software on laptops and fixing cars and weed-wackers at the school. So many months of preparation from the team and the BLC community to get to this point.

As Wayne reminded us all the night before "You own it." And own it we did! We are one body!

Painting at the church

Mary mapping out the painting for the community church wall

Watch out for the scaffolding - painting behind the water tower

Sal and his fellow painters

The feeding program at the community church - 130 children surrounded by wet paint

Mary with Pastor Denny - Mary, do you speak Spanish?

First sketch coming together

Students at the school

Ruth sharing her love - The new music program at the school!

The eyes of wonder and grace

Dr. Rice and Roger  - the excellent interpreter

How big is that bug? The students are full of questions!

Dr Rice teaching the students about the microscope - with a camera at the end!

Preparing the wood fur building

Wayne inspecting the operation

Let's use that Router
Handing out instruments

After a long day, there were many accomplishments. In our nightly debriefing session with Megan and Wayne, the team shared their moments together, and took time to reflect on how just a few actions can make such a difference. The school is a very amazing place. It brings out the best in the students as well as the body of people that are privileged to serve at the school.

Thank you god for sending us here to serve you.

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