Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day Five: No rain just a few sprinkles!

Caitlin and Kaleigh started our morning off with an alternating word, two person prayer and then a devotion after breakfast. Then we went through our morning ritual of a group going to the local grocery store to get the food for the meal program at the church, while Caitlin and Tim made our lunches and the rest jumped in to help in various ways to get us ready for traveling to the site. Today (Wednesday) had more of the same group work included along with a lot of blue. I guess the memo didn't get out to everyone though!

SallyJo and Chuck got the memo... 

Well lets start off with the construction group today. (Donna, Amy, Bill, Chuck, Doug, Wayne and I started off with this group today.) No matter the day whoever has worked in this group has been getting a good workout. And likely had a pretty good night sleep unless they had the coffee with brownie bits ice cream last night.

When we got to the site our Nicaraguan friends were already on the site trying to get a jump on the weather before it rained. Concrete was flowing and the stones were being hauled down the hill to the mixer. 

We set up our canopies and table for drinks to keep us hydrated and seamed to take a break before we even go started! Well we could say we were gathering ourselves and getting organized for what we were going to do, right?! 😉

Getting hydrated before the work starts...

Part of us went back to cutting the timbers for the support of the floor during the concrete pour. We finished! One more thing off the to-do list!

Others helped with the concrete one way or the other...

Donna loves moving stone! (So naturally she now has the nickname Donna "The Stone Dozer" Spellman)

As each day went on something new and unexpected always popped up. Today it was the need for more water so the concrete could continue tomorrow. So a spot near the existing water tank was leveled so that a second tank could be placed, which Wayne and Chuck brought after lunch. And water was ordered and delivered to fill both tanks.

Alvin David was definitely enjoying his morning!

It was now lunch time and the first third of the concrete floor pour was nearly finished.

After lunch with the entire group got back to working on the concrete and yet once again an additional project came up. We put together a table for the family who watches over the site and lives in the warehouse. This will allow them to have their wood burning, cosi nica stove under the cover of the roof. 

We can't leave out Amy's pig encounter.  Wayne introduced Amy to the pig which guards the "el bano" (toilet). Each time she would pet it, it would leave out a squeal. (Looks like another new nickname came about - Amy "The Pig Squeal" Vogel)

The construction groups day ended with no rain, one third of the concrete floor finished, the jacks inplace, the water tank installed and filled and the stove table's built and it's concrete top drying. All in all it was a good day and as has happened in past years Chuck thought up an additional project for tomorrow! 👍🏻

The cooks today were Tim and Jen. They created what's called the "Feel Better Soup". Once again Chuck enjoyed his soup for lunch!

Leigh and Elaine with a little help from others continued on with the pop-up library and came close to finishing it!

There's our little furry friend trying for a back pack again! 

Our Craft group (Barb, SallyJo, Logan, Kaleigh, Caitlin, Rebecca, then Jen and Tim in the afternoon) had a busy day with the students today working on day three of the craft that related to Philippians 4:19 "And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus."

Sometimes there's a little bit of stepping through barbed wire fences in getting to the school.

Bible stories in spanish by SallyJo.

All in all we had a full day at the site.

We also had a full evening with another church service at the church Wayne and Megan attend and which Ronald's father is a pastor. Tonight the youth played along with the church's praise band during the service. Another great display of the talented youth we have at BLC. Chuck also preached during the sermon on the choices we have to either follow Satan or God.

Ronald led worship with the praise band.

After worshiping, several members of the group still had to prepare for the last day of working with the students. 

Thoughts from today from 1 Peter 4:10...

"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve on another."

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