Thursday, August 3, 2017

 Day Six: Our Final Work...

The Lord gave each of us talents and wants us to be good and faithful stewards of those talents in our day to day lives. There are two ways God wants us to use our talents:  

~Blessing Others and Building His Kingdom~

Enrich Missions was the vehicle this week for us all to have the chance to use our talents in benefiting others and to glorify his name. Let's take a look at how some of those works looked on our last work day. 


The Cooks on this final day were Leigh and Rebecca.  This day's meal was spaghetti with meat sauce and as usual the children are very pleased with the chefs. 

And as per the usual, if others were at the church during the meal time, the cooks didn't have to do everything. 


The School Group was larger than normal on this final day to help with the culmination of the wonderful Bible Craft idea Barb put together with may of the group members help. And to do one final fun activity with the kindergarteners. 

Most days Megan and Gloria translated for the group at the school but our own Kaleigh filled in at one point!

SallyJo even got into the act with a little dance!

The different classes were quite proud of their books they created and were able to then take home.

The super fun activity of the morning was to bring the very large parachute into the kindergarten class and have a little fun. This class was not able to participate in the makeing of the books throughout the week. Thanks BLC Sunday School for the parachute. The fun was over flowing the room as it filled the entire room!


On to today's Construction Site group which included Caitlin, Logan, Tim, Jen, Bill, Chuck and myself. We started off the morning stopping in at a small hardware store near the site to find the proper plumbing fittings to connect the two water tanks, one new set in place just yesterday and the family's water. After that we arrived at the site and had a few hours to get busy on the new project throughout yesterday. Our goal was to create a paved area for the family to be able to get around the outside of the house to the kitchen and shower area. Here's the start of it.

Logan and Tim working on the new stair area, getting it ready for pavers.

I think Bill's captured that Caitlin is not only great a music talent but might have some landscaping ability in her!

Jen, Caitlin and Bill leveled the kitchen area.

Chuck the teacher working to explain the stairs.

In the midst of moving one of the very large rocks we came upon another little friend, well it found Tim's glove and received a short ride. In the background we heard a scream and found Jen "The Clamp" Wilson half way down the hill to the new building area. I guess she does not like spiders!

Bill still loves to give out those airplane rides! (You can see the pavers under Chuck.)

A final view of the concrete work as it stood when we were leaving.

With the floor jacks supporting the pour they will be able to finish the floor over the next week.

The family had already used the table with their "cosi nica" (cooking stove) by the time we arrived this morning! Looks like they are going to  love it.

This is a view into the flattened kitchen area past the shower. Just waiting for the pavers.

Bill, Jen and Caitlin definitely have the kitchen area ready for the pavers.

Our time on the site is done now it's Lunch Time!


Right after lunch several people put together the pop-up library and it was a huge success. Great job Lydia, Leigh and Elaine!


Donna helped with the lunch children making our the thank you cards we send out to the Senders.


To end our time on the site, Elaine lead one more craft and we sang Jesus Loves Me!


Our afternoon, for some, was spent practicing talking English to the Nicaraguan college interns who help at the school. Of course it was at the coffee shop.


The evening was culminated with a walk to a local restaurant for a final dinner to wrap up the week.

A thank you to Lydia for the month of internship she finished.

Also a Thank You to SallyJo for all of the work which goes into making this trip possible!

Meet Ronald and Gloria.

Since God gave each of us a unique talent / role in the body of Christ it is our charge to find out how we can use that talent in a role that pleases Him. I think this week is an easy week to see were we can bless others here in Matagulpa. Our challenge going forward is to find ways which we can do it where we live which isn't always an easy task as sometimes we lose our focus. So to everyone reading this post take some time each day to pray that as God shows us the way we will listen to his direction. Sometimes they come in little not so obvious ways and other times they come in those "just can't miss" ways. Keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open to his guidance. 

To all of those who couldn't come but supported us in this trip, we say "Thank You" for this opportunity to use our individual God given talents this week.



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