Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day Four: More Cooking, More Crafting, More Construction...and Ice Cream!

Well, we were all a bit tired after the first day of working and it took longer to stretch out those kinks in the muscles this morning, but we're in Matagalpa and have been pretty upbeat the whole time. The uplifting moments seem to come right when they are needed. A good laugh during a tense time or a smile from the children while you're working with them. It may even be as simple as a smile from one of the adults which don't have the ease of speaking the same language, but some how we can communicate with the little spanish we know or gestures. 

Today we broke into groups again to work at the three working areas. Some went to a similar area as the day before and some went to new areas. 

The craft group of Kaleigh, Caitlin, Donna, Barbara, SallyJo and Chuck went back to the school and worked among more smiling faces as they continued the craft projects and Bible stories.

The groups that have gone to the public school have said that the students are wonderful and the teachers are very dedicated to their students.

Kaleigh was usually surrounded by the students as they were coming to her all day. She's also one of the better spanish speakers in our group, so she has a little advantage over most of us in the communication area.

The construction site was ready to burst into action the day after an early shutdown due to technical difficulties. With those now in our rear view mirror we're ready for more concrete work! Tim, Logan and Doug worked with the Nicaraguan crews and Ronald on the first floor deck today. 

The second crew, Bill, Jen, Wayne and I along with Jorge and Alvin David (our Nicaraguan workers), went down under the first floor deck to work on jacking the rest of the structure to support the deck with the wet concrete until the concrete is cured.

Last evenings support work the next morning.

Some times you just have to work in tight spaces.

Jen and Allen David clamping the board while Wayne cuts.

The neighboring chicken in the foreground found a place to nest near one of the column footings.

Before long it was time to set up and eat lunch with the whole group as our Nicaraguan friends headed off to eat their lunch.

Along with the finish of our meals came the afternoon rains. They didn't last long but they didn't stay away the rest of the afternoon either. It was an off and on thing. Although the crews under the deck didn't mind as much as the ones on top. Now the crew down under started to entertain ourselves while we worked with a few nick names.

Jen "The Clamp" Wilson was voted the number one nick name for Jen, but "Quick Saw" Jen fits this photo better as she learned how to use the circular saw!

Bill "Happy, Happy, Tap, Tap" Collins moved this jack right into place by bringing the "power" as Alvin David told us!

Then when you have youth who have energy to spare you get additional help in between rain drops to get the lumber for the jacks down the drive. Therefore  I'm handing out the third of our nick names Logan "Lincoln Log" Wilson as several of these came down the hill under his power and was greatly appreciated. 💪🏻

It is a long way up that hill when you're carrying anything let along the 12'x4x4!

As for the cookers feeding the children today, Rebecca and Amy along with intern Lydia tried their hand at beef stroganoff. Once again Chuck was all over that and gave it two thumbs up! 

First our new little furry friend thought he'd help with the fire! 

Before the church meal activities could begin Pastor Rogelio had to cut open the door as the key to the lock could not be found.

Have you ever seen a Pastor trying to break out of his church! 😀

Chuck's lunch time conversations with the children this time brought Kaleigh into the discussions!

Donna was also able to enjoyed time with the children during lunch today.

Also going on at the church today, Leigh and Elaine started worked on sewing the shell for the pop-up library. More will come on this as the week progresses. But here's what they have been working on so far.

Our two seamstresses are hard at work on sewing velcro onto the shell fabric.

And your first glimpse at the structure of the library. Hey gals that looks similar to a puppet stage built a few years ago in Managua for the children!

We can't leave the church without seeing our furry friend ready to help with the next craft session in the afternoon!

Well that was our work day.

But things don't just stop after the working is over. Since we are in Matagalpa and it is a walking town, we are close enough for a trip to the coffee shop after a quick shower before dinner and debriefing. 

We're still not done after dinner and debriefing for the day. Wayne and Megan surprised us with a trip to the "Kiss Me" ice cream shop where they make homemade ice cream. It's is a great treat to end the day with!

Just when you thing the day might be over there's preparation needed for the next day's craft/bible sessions at the school. So many of the group stayed up to help make the work go quickly with many hands.

I'll end with this thought from Acts 20:35...

And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."


  1. We are doing construction here too - sheet rock is being added to the office space. I am not sure which job is harder - your hill is definitely an uphill challenge! (ha ha) The insulation and heat in the church building here is tough for our guys. Working with brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter where it is done, is a joy filled experience. Thanks for keeping us informed. Diane M


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