Monday, October 21, 2019

Day 3 - Art Class & Construction Projects Begin

Mike started the day off by sharing a devotion and taught us a tool to share Jesus sacrifice in a simple way.  Colored beads are assembled on a leather strap to create a faith bracelet. Each color represents a component of God’s plan for our salvation. This is a great way to start up a conversation about our faith with others. Ask him about it sometime I’m sure he’d love to show you.

Sally Jo and Jon made the sandwiches for the day.  If you didn’t know, there are multiple ways to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  We were told that previous mission trip members Rich and Bill have perfected the proper way to make a PBJ.  Guess this one had too much jelly on it.


After breakfast the mission team split up to begin the pre-work and preparations for the busy day ahead.   One team went to the hardware store, one went to prepare for art class, and the other went grocery shopping.  The teams gathered the supplies and food needed for the day.  It was a nice experience to interact with the people of Matagalpa in the town. We learned about the nutrition programs that Enrich Missions provides at least three times a week.  The program brings healthy food including meat and fresh vegetables to the children who may not have a well-balanced diet.


Diane, Karen, Hillary, Ronald, Gloria, and Sam taught water color painting classes for the kids and the mothers.  The art class is a multiple day project to create a book of the seven days of creation.  Karen and Diane have spent weeks designing this project before the trip. Today’s painting included the earth and sky, as well as, day and night.  Looks of concentration and smiles were on the painters and laughter filled the air as the they worked hard on the projects.  Everyone was eager to learn and help each other.  There were four classes with 55 kids and 13 mothers.  They also squeezed in some tutoring.




Megan, Sally Jo, and Jon made lunch for the kids.  It was a heathy meal full of sausage, fresh vegetables, and some spices. Sally Jo made sure each one received the vitamins that the church donated.  It was joyful experience to serve the children lunch and sit with them and talk.  They are very friendly and patient as we tried our best to communicate in Spanish.  Many of the boys play soccer and baseball.  The girls showed their pride by counting to over 25 in English. All in all, it was a great day with over 80 kids who enjoyed this delicious meal!


Amy, Todd, Mike, and Tom worked on multiple construction projects to improve the Enrichment center.  Today’s list of items included installing two toilets, building and installing bathroom vanities, making the plumbing for the kitchen sink, and many other items.  The vanity below proved especially challenging to assemble because the directions were in Spanish.  Tom, Amy, and Todd found a way to make it happen while Wayne supervised.

Mike and Wayne were critical to the developing the design, determining materials list, and providing guidance to make sure the day went smooth and improvements made.



The team is a very hardworking team and has a strong desire to make an impact on the center, but it is just as important to spend time with the kids and a take moment to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.  The orioles paid us another visit along with a kitten.

The team was able to make it to the local coffee shop and enjoy some of Nicaragua’s finest.  The deserts were delicious too.  As we wrapped up the day, Wayne led us through our debrief session.  Many “wow” moments were shared today.  The group feels as much as we are here to help others, We are amazed at how much love and blessings we received today.  Tonight the “bueno” (which means good) awards were passed out to a few group members to recognize their special efforts.  As I sit here and type I am listening to the gentle rain falling on the metal roof and the city is quiet.  I cant describe it, but there is a unique kind of peace here at night.  God’s peace to each of you this evening.  Buena Noches!


  1. Looks like you guys are having a fantastic experience! Happy Birthday, Sami!!!!! - Aunt Kate

  2. Thanks for sharing Jon, it’s good that we get to share in your experience and joy through the pictures and your joyful words. Ask mike how it feels not to have 3 of every tool with him to complete a Continue to share your time down there....God Bless all of you for your hard work and to the families your helping.

  3. Thank you for the feedback, we appreciate it. Mike loved the 3 of every tool comments!
